Here are the lyrics and chords to all of my recorded songs. Thanks so much for listening….and playing my music.
All songs written by Lyndsay Taylor, with the exception of There Is A Fountain (Public Domain) and Strong Tomorrow (co-written with Josh Brown). All songs below are Copyrighted & Published by Baasi Te Kinda Day Music, ASCAP
It Is Well With My Soul Hallelujah Never Be Another Take Me In Love so Sure Wells We Come Out Shining When Faith Runs DeepWho We are While We Wait

When a Flame is Fine
Awaken That’s Your Love At the End of the Day The Other Side of Night If I Could The Road to Me Was Long Strong Tomorrow You Move Love and Luxury Just Be There Is a Fountain And the Angels Sang When a Flame Is FineWriting Lines Unseen
One More Anything Until That’s Okay With Me Maybe Song from Abidjan My Soul’s Greatest Joy Believe Run After Me When Faith Runs Deep It Really Is
Thank you for these songs! They’re so personal and love songs to the Lord. <3
🙂 Thank you so much for listening! They really are love songs to the Lord! I never knew as I started writing all those years ago that anyone but Him would even hear them 🙂
Love run after me!!! is it possible to get the chords for this song?
Blessings one adoptive mom to another.
Barbara Goulet
I am so sorry for the incredibly late reply! Thank you for writing me, it is so exciting to hear from another adoptive mom!! So, I actually do not have chords to Run After Me. The lyrics are here on the website but since it is acapella, hopefully you can use it like that 🙂 Sorry to not be of more help!!
I love your music so much! Have you published any sheet music, piano or guitar, for Run After Me? That’s the first song of yours that I ever heard, and I still haven’t recovered. 🙂
Johanna, Thank you so much and I am sorry that I haven’t been checking my website at all in a long time! Back to blogging and making music lately, and just so thankful to see your message!I am so happy you like that song. I had so much fun writing and then recording that with my college friends. I do not have any sheet music for it, but the lyrics are on this site and I hope that you have had a chance to maybe work it out and sing with your own friends. How cool that would be! Thank you and sorry I wasn’t more help. Thank you for listening to my music!
Your music has helped me in so many ways over the years, Lyndsay. Truly profound lyrics with a beautiful and perfect voice. Your music gives me a way to cope. Thank you.
Hi Lori! Thank you so much. It is amazing how the Lord works through His Body here. I pray you are doing well and I’m so thankful that while I am praying, writing, singing, and sharing, you are being encouraged. What a gift to me to know that!