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The following links will allow you to print out the student devos (which are in the book), the worksheets (which are not in the book), and some freebies! Read on for more info and let me know how things are going!
To Download Free Student Devos
To Download Free Student Worksheet Pages
To Download Free Cheat Sheet & Coloring Page
I am so excited for the release of Belonging and Behavior: 12 Weeks of Connection Training for Adoptive Parents. The audience for this book is adoptive/foster parents and caregivers. However, with slight changes here and there, I have been told multiple times that non-adoptive families would benefit from it as well. That’s exciting! Also, it is for both new and experienced caregivers, as well as for teens all the way down to toddlers.
Part One tells a bit of our adoption stories, as well as informing parents as to what TBRI (Trust Based Relational Intervention) is all about. I discuss Attachment Styles and how that affects how our kids are feeling and perceiving our efforts. I write about the discouragement we all feel sometimes, but also the hope we have. I lean into things like “cheat sheets” for when a meltdown is about to occur, example conversations with teens, and steps for understanding this connection and correction model.
Part Two is the actual 12 week training. It can be done in 12 consecutive weeks, or it can be done less regularly. Let me tell you how simple and laid-out it is for you:
- There is one Bible Study Lesson each week. Not one per day for 5 days; nope, just one Bible Study Lesson for the whole week. I wanted to make this extremely doable. You can do it all in one day or spread it out in pieces throughout the week.
- You have three Student Devos each week. These are in the book for you to read aloud and/or they can be downloaded for free on this website, printed off, and handed to your student for their own reading and devotion time. The devos go hand in hand with what the parent Bible Study Lesson taught, so everyone is pondering the same truth at the same time.
- The book contains Connection Time Activities that also go along with the theme of the week. While there are several options, just one Connection Time per week is the goal!
- You’ll want to grab the colorful worksheet pages which are a free download here on my website, and make a binder for each student you are working with. I recommend printing off all of these freebies before you even begin Week One, and making a binder for each child or teen. You can put Student Devos in the binder as well as the Connection Time worksheets, if you are having your kids/teens do those alone.
Please email me at addtothebeauty78@gmail.com if you have questions! I am available for private or group coaching in connected parenting, as well as to answer questions about how to best use this resource. If you are a therapist and would like to request a complimentary copy of the book, please contact me. I would love to get it in your hands if it sounds like a resource you would like to recommend to parents and caregivers who come to your practice.
Thanks for helping me spread the word and getting this resource into the hands of those who need it. I believe this book, by God’s power and grace, will educate minds, soften hearts, and heal souls, in Jesus’s Name and to His glory alone!