Prayer for My Teens


Father God,

It breaks my heart when one of my kids seems to only want a relationship with me because of what they thought they could get from me. I really thought we had something so deep and special. 

It breaks my heart when they can’t see all I am already doing and pouring out to make their lives pretty great. Why do they always have to push it further and further, always wanting more than I think is best for them right now?

It breaks my heart that they can envision a life without me if it means instead that they get something they’ve always wanted, with no accountability or rules. Haven’t I truly shown them that I wanted relationship above and beyond just our household rules being followed? 

It breaks my heart that I love them so much and am just sitting here hurting, while they are hurting, too!!! 

So I’m asking You, Lord, to help our kids see that our relationship is so much more than a contract, and an exchange of owing each other for doing what the other wanted us to do! 

Help our kids to be grateful and able to recognize with humility how much they have, how many needs are being met, and how we have made this a genuine priority even when they can’t see it. 

Help our kids choose relationship over rebellion. Help them lay down their wearying struggles of comparison and fear and insecurity that comes from the love of this world, and run to the relationship that was meant to meet those needs much better than anything else ever could. 

Lord, please help our kids when they are hurting; help them turn to us and to You. Help them not choose to be alone in their confusion and pain. Help them know we are the safe place, not the other places they long to explore that are just a fleeting desire and truthfully, a pit. 

In Jesus Name,



Dear Lyndsay, 

You have put into words what I feel every day for my kids and their relationship with me. My concern for their welfare is overwhelming but equal to it is my longing, and sorrow- yet hope, that they will return to Me and not think of Me in the way they have. I, too, long to be in relationship where I am not constantly judged for doing and allowing what only I can understand. I love, miss, enjoy, and never forget my children…no matter what. 

So when you pray, I hear. And when you pray, know that I feel and understand what you’re saying more than you can know. Enter into the sorrow and the waiting with me, and let this bring you deeper into My love until all things are made right and new.