Time With The Word

When we dwell on a word or phrase from the Word of God, the Bible, we are sitting with God because He is the Word. (John 1)

I just want to soak in that for a moment!

In that time with the Word, we are with a Person, THE Person, who wrote it.

It goes from being an instruction manual to a one-on-one coaching, teaching, encouraging, convicting, loving us to pieces session.

Because in that time with the Word, we are transformed by the renewing of our minds (Heb. 12), and we need that, since life is such a mental game.

Everything we care about in life requires us to have a strong mental component!

-to start

-to maintain

-to take breaks

-to get back up again

-to finish well

This is life, and there are so many pieces of the whole that we try our best to keep functional day in and day out. It’s actually pretty exhausting and I can get really discouraged, if not bored even sometimes.

But God has provided a way to keep our mental game strong, and to revive it when it’s lacking. (Not if, but when!)

That Way is the Word.

I love prayer and worship and fellowship, and if they are full of His Word, they’re going to be more powerful than ever – but the key here does have to be His Word. Why? Because:

His Word is where the power is.

His Word is alive, active, sharp, and effective.

It’s interactive without batteries or internet!

It’s speaking…now.

It’s God’s voice and all of His sides, all there, wrapped in perfection, poised to reach out and in.

When it comes to the mental games, we aren’t here in this world alone; He wants us to win and has provided Himself, through His Word, as the Way.