160 Word Devo for the Week!

Hello, peoples! Today my devotion is about fear! Fear is very common with adults and children. I am talking about fear of a dentist appointment, fear of a bully at school, and fear of your basement stairs. Fear isn’t from God. Satan is completely the cause. Being scared doesn’t feel good. (Except when we’re talking about a deliciously good ghost story!) Fear can even lead to bad actions because feelings turn into thoughts, which turn into actions. When you’re scared, go to God. He will help you. I know that this might sound cheesy but it’s true. There are very many things in the world said to “cure fear” but none of them work without Jesus. Sometimes, you don’t even know that you are scared. Ask God to help you be aware of your fear level. So next time you are scared, remember that Jesus is THERE, watching over you.

Bible Verses:

Psalm 27, Ephesians 6:10-18, and James 4:7

Selah J. Taylor