This may or may not make sense, but for me, this tragedy in Haiti has made me think and pray more about abortion. These are certainly not new thoughts, but the abortion issue is about so much more than the 2 sides debating between it being a woman’s choice to decide what happens to her body and feeling that taking away life in the womb is indeed murder. I’ve just been struck lately with what happens when a person, or a group, or a country decrees something to be good or at the least acceptable, though this something takes away a life.
This week, our hearts have been heavy and our minds have been in turmoil over the earthquake in Haiti. It’s something I can’t watch on television, because I already have enough mental images in my mind to make me weep and pray as often as I have a moment to do so. I’m praying for the orphans with waiting families, that they would be united, and I’m so excited that in several U.S. cities, this has happened! I’m praying for orphans; that the Haitian government, and the U.S. government would make quick and wise decisions toward their well-being, possibly making the U.S. a place for fostering and adopting in a fewer-step, less-money process. I’m praying for the people who are homeless, lost from their families, mourning loved ones; I’m praying for the people who are seeing so much death, such as in Rwanda’s holocaust, that they will need to be taught once again that we are all precious human beings, created in the image of God, made for better than this. I’m praying for God to rise and show compassion, for miracles, for His hands and feet on mission there, and most of all, for His Presence to be there.
Sacked by the Quarterback
This is a song I wrote last month about learning some humility. I cannot even explain how slow and thick my brain (and I guess my heart as well) seems to be! It’s hard for me to sit back and accept whatever challenges come my way; I want to figure them out, fix them, and quickly move on. God is teaching me this: My place is not up, fighting. My place is down, trusting. So opposite of how I thought I’d live my life; I may not have even obeyed if I wasn’t simply forced to the ground!
This Week
There are so many things I’d like to blog about. Like ten different subjects! But I am just going to talk about my week. And I am going to try to keep my blogs to 3 paragraphs. Can I do it? Is it possible?
God’s Faithfulness to Yemi
So, in this next to last chapter of our marriage journey I am going to talk about our adoption. I felt blessed the entire time we were in the adoption process, because we were actually doing it! We were done discussing or praying for the right time, and that was an awesome feeling. After getting Yemi’s referral in Dec. 08, we had a court date set in February, and we hoped to bring her home in March or early April! But we had some more testing of our faith to endure…of course!
Bringing Home Yemi 2009
Oh my goodness, yesterday’s post was so depressing! There actually are good things that God has taught me that
Our Marriage Journey; D.C. & Adoption Years
This last bit has been hard to write! I’ve shared really honestly about the difficulties and surprises of several periods of our lives, and this last segment (2007-2009) has probably topped them all (in regard to difficulties and surprises).
Ah, New Years
New Years has always been a big deal to me. I’m big on focus and simplicity.
A New Year
New Years has always been a big deal to me. I’m big on FOCUS. Otherwise, oreos are my breakfast until I get up the gumption to FOCUS. So right now I’m looking for info on all kinds of things. There are the small things like how do we rearrange our house/furniture to make each room as functional as it can be, but it’s also the big things like “we can honestly and earnestly homeschool? Do we have it in us?”
Remember that holiday when Selah woke Jack up early on Christmas morning, and instead of saying, “Daddy, let’s get up and open presents!”, she says, “Daddy, daddy, wake up! I have a booger the size of an acorn in my nose! But thankfully, I have big –what are these called?–oh a nostril—Thankfully I have a big nostril and the ability to get it out.”
Remember that Christmas when Selah tackled Granmere in her exuberant joy and thankfulness for her presents? Ah, the memory of 50 faces in utter terror and silence; but my (80 year old with knee problems) Granmere didn’t officially fall down…she was just a little in shock. Thankfully she likes kids with a little spunk.
Remember that year when Yemi threw a fit throughout the beautiful reading of Luke Chapter 2 on Christmas Eve? Somehow 75 of my family members, along with their babies of all ages, are quiet and calm for these few precious moments…but not mine. This is always my daughters’ moment to either get in the middle of the room and dance (making everyone laugh instead of be reverent) OR embarrass me with their outrageous super sonic loudness. An aunt on one side says, “It’s okay, let her play”; an aunt on the other side gives me the evil eye. What to do, what to do?
Remember watching The Muppets sing the “12 Days of Christmas” with Jimmy Fallon, and Sesame Street’s manger scene clip, and laughing our heads off together at Bert’s hay fever and baby Natasha crawling? Remember watching Santa Clause 2 & 3 about 2 or 3 times more than we would have liked? Every day?
Well, this was not yester year my friends. It was this past week.
And to end on a personal note, I also remember eating too much sugar cookie dough and getting that icky feeling but not learning my lesson. I remember eating peanut butter balls in bed. Okay, that’s a lie. I literally do not remember it, thanks to ambien, but I am told by a reliable source that it happened. I remember losing it completely during one of Yemi’s tantrums because I was missing bedtime. Her’s, mine, and both of ours, and everybody elses in the world; bedtimes were missed.
But I also remember Christmas morning sleepy eyes and flannel pj’s and reclaiming bits of papers from a certain toddler’s mouth and seeing a 4 year old Princess receive a few more things to charge her imagination…and possibly her vanity. Oops. I remember a joy and relief deep down, knowing that all four of us were home for Christmas for the first time. It is easy to give thanks…
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. More to come about Marriage Step 4 next. 🙂