I totally realize that I don’t write about anything deep on this blog…I guess I thought that I would when I started it, but I just don’t have a lot of time to “go there” these days, er, years…But anyway, I just wanted to blog about my little but wonderful day.
The Last Month!
Where do I begin?
Some Fave Pictures of Lately…
My new yellow walls and bamboo floors. This is a dream come true!
I LOVE worshipping the Lord with Selah; He comes in power all the time when we stop for a while and praise Him, read the Word together, dance, sing, and intercede for others. He has spoken some things to Selah in these times, and it is so meaningful.
Yemi Abigail. What a cutie-pie!
Amber, Joanna, and the kids at the park…So much fun, except for the goose poop!
Just What’s On My Mind
Forewarning: this is going to be random!
Ugh. Dieting! I am “tweaking” the “lifestyle eating plan” that I have been on for 1 1/2 years. I didn’t really want to tweak it, but the following reasons are making me:
women, girlfriends, sisters in the Lord
Some Encouraging Words
I went back and read the last blog I wrote. While most of it makes sense to me, I can tell some of it was Ambien-induced! It is cool how the Lord can speak even in the midst of exhaustion though; it is kind of rare in my experience, but His intervention is what I’ve been praying for, so I shouldn’t be so surprised to get it.
This entry isn’t quite as fun as the last…no pictures, because believe me, you don’t want to see this! I am having such a rough time with my health, and oh how it seeps, overflows, floods, ruins other parts of my life. For so many years I have wrestled and fought, filling journals up with schedules and diets and knowledge that would fit in everything I need…the right amount of rest, the right amount of work, the right amount of this and that type of food, exercise, social life, prayer time, family time, oh my gosh, the list goes on. It’s like I think that if I do everything just right then how could my body not respond with health? At the same time as all this struggle, for so many years I have also surrendered. I’ve given it to God and even said, “Fine. You obviously don’t have the life for me that I thought You had. I will live like this, I am Your’s. It doesn’t matter…” It does matter, but He knows what I mean. It isn’t everything. We are eternal, and this is temporary. I do think that acceptance and faith go hand in hand, which is certainly a goal of our time here.
Time and Other Things That Fly!
Teaching Lessons
So today was my last day of teaching lessons. It’s really bizarre how I’ve been praying about this for a year, but it still seems like it happened all of a sudden. Last year with Yemi coming (exactly one year ago, April 25th) I had sort of secretly hoped I would not continue working for much longer. I only taught piano, voice, and beginning guitar one day a week though, and truly enjoyed it, so it wasn’t a big deal to keep going.