Yemi’s Morning-Through Her Eyes!

So, today I woke up in my crib and bounced around for awhile. Mommy could even hear me downstairs in her bedroom with earplugs in! It was great fun, and I knew she would come in my room soon. She came in and said, “Good morning!” and found me with my pillow on the other side of the crib (I get bored) and my diaper off (I get wet). I said, with a huge grin, for the night time was over at last, “Goo mornin’! How doing?”

So Mommy let me wear a pull-up even though she knows I have no intention whatsoever of using the potty today, and we set off to make breakfast. I said, “Dip”, which everyone knows means: “I want dry cereal on my tray and a little bowl of milk to dip it in.” That was fun. I asked for “my-mins”, which is my vitamins, but just like every other day of the week, Mommy said, “No, not until dinner.”
After breakfast, I stomped my little foot and said, “Elmo. Now.” And Mommy said a bunch of stuff that started with “young lady.” I tuned out the rest, then she asked Jesus to make my heart tender and repentant! She’s so silly. I went and got my purse and filled it with some things for the day, then put my coat on, and then I slipped on some pretty pink shoes that “Ra Ra” (some people choose to call her Selah) wore in a wedding one time. Then I said, “Okay, Momma! Let’s go! I’m going! Bye bye!”

(This picture I am adding is one of my favorite faces. Its kinda like I’m saying, “I’m a little naughty, but also a little pitiful, so I deserve mercy.”)
Mommy kept sweeping and doing dishes while I tried (I really did) to stay out of her dirt pile and the dishwasher. It’s really hard for me to remember…and at last, it was Elmo time! Mommy and I scooted down the steps on our bottoms, and then I ran to my rocking chair, yelling, “Elmo’s World!” very clearly, I might add.
It’s not even lunch yet, and I’ve already gotten in trouble for getting into the stuff on the table, closing the piano thingy on my hand, getting into the library book bag, and let’s see…what else? It doesn’t matter. Mommy’s giving me a big hug and kiss. It’s a good morning.

Eden Eyes

Our pastor on Sunday briefly talked about how Adam and Eve lived fully alive before sin. Their spiritual eyes were wide open. They lived fully because they were alive in the Spirit. Then with sin, their eyes were opened more fully to their physical realm instead, and closed to the spiritual realm. They didn’t even realize they were naked even though they had bodies…until sin entered their lives. I always wondered why they “all of a sudden” saw they were naked, and now I get it. And it shows me how God is wanting to restore the Garden in our lives!
Because of Jesus, our eyes can be open again to who we are in Christ in the spiritual realm and give very little concern to all this in the physical realm. What does this look like in real life? Maybe these are a few beginning thoughts. There is a peace instead of worry, as Matt 6:25-34 says to seek first His Kingdom (ah ha, spiritual realm!) and then all these things (eat, drink, wear, do- all physical realm) will be given to you as well, because the Father knows what you need. There is a focus on the unseen, which is all over the New Testament, vs. a focus on the temporal. There is a joy as we find our Life in Him, apart from the cares of this world, and then once we find that completeness in Him, we bring it back into the world we see and feel…and honestly at that point even the most dire of situations has new perspective and we are able to be more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.
I am praying today that I would live fully alive (because this is a major problem for me!! I struggle with being bored, moody, unfocused, etc.), alive and aware like Adam and Eve were, in the spirit, before the fall of man. It’s Fall outside, and it is beautiful. And the word “fall” has been on my mind all week, making me think of the fall of man, and how that fall turned us so inward and we became so consumed with self in that moment. The fall. It was a hard, shattering drop from perfect and at peace and in love with God to all of a sudden naked and ashamed, with eyes only for the physical realm they found themselves in. I believe God wants to bless us with Eden Eyes once again; because of Jesus, only because of Jesus, is it possible.
I think sometimes we consider ourselves responsible for many, many things, just like Martha. But Jesus is telling us there is one thing we are responsible for first and foremost and maybe even solely…and that is to be dwelling in Him, gravitating to Him in mind, heart, soul, and strength. Not spending our thoughts, desires, identity, and energy on what we can do for Him, but on Him. If we think that is too small or too easy or not enough, I believe God will show us differently when we enter in and try it. Staying gravitated toward the Lord all day is work, and it’s the only work that brings rest. And as for the many things we are responsible for the earthly, physical realm, God gives us a supernatural motivation and ability for…as our eyes are not set on them.


It is completely necessary to blog or journal or take pictures or do SOMETHING to commemorate today, because I felt great! It is such a relief to just feel healthy and good sometimes. My family and I have been sick for weeks, and we are all pretty much back to normal now–hallelujah! The leaves are changing, and I feel very sure that I missed autumn last year entirely because it feels like it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. (Last fall, I was sick and in bed basically as the leaves turned and then quickly fell.)

Selah is happy in school, and I love doing “home school” with her when she comes home everyday. For about an hour and a half, we do reading, writing, math, Spanish, piano, Bible verses/prayertime, and whatever homework the teacher sends home. We don’t have time for all of that every day, but we just regularly do these things and it’s such fun, good quality time together.
Yemi is talking more! She is pretty stubborn and still not doing well in potty-training, but she’s a doll baby and she knows it. We’ve been having fun together. She is really into Elmo and Sesame Street, and as always Baby Einstein! We go to the Library every Wednesday for a class and she is learning to sit during a story and use the glue stick for crafts…it’s a little crazy because that child has fire in her eyes and she doesn’t enjoy settling in for a nice leisurely activity!
I give thanks for these days. I was so worried about what I should do, maybe go back to school, or how can I be more involved at church…and I cannot say what others should do, but for me, I’m supposed to be right here, right now, with all my heart. I can’t do more than this. I am perfectly limited in God’s will. And what I love about today is that I can see that clearly. That is indeed a gift!

Place in this World

I am chuckling at my own title, because I’m singing Michael W. Smith’s song to myself…”Trying to find a reason, searching through the night to find my place in this world, my place in this world…” And I’m sure I got the words wrong, because my brain is incapable (INCAPABLE I TELL YOU!) of remembering the exact words to songs! Even my own songs! Anyway…moving on.

Jack and I truly are searching through the night to find our place in this world. Good news is that we have found our place with each other and our dear little daughters. That is sure, and we find great fulfillment and comfort and thankfulness in that. Then above and beyond the family relationships, our place with Jesus–hidden in Him, alive in Him, complete in Him, tucked right in His arms bringing Him delight until the day we see His face–that’s a place out of this world, actually, and it’s all we really need.
But today through talking with some dear friends, I saw that God did make us all unique with specific gifts and talents that we need to work on and develop and feel free to spend our life doing…hopefully even doing for our career and income. Jack and I both feel like we were led astray a bit in our younger years, because we fit in the category of “called to vocational ministry” (meaning we would work for a Christian organization or church)…but I’m not sure that we fit there anymore. I’m not sure there are openings for us there, at least that would take care of our needs. We’re not looking to be rich, but we do have to have money to live, unfortunately. I am fine with the fact that more and more opportunities in the church are volunteer…I’d even go as far as to say that’s how it should be. However, that is what we went to school for and were trained to do. Now, we are left not fitting into any category.
I blogged before about what I would maybe go back to school for; it’s fun to search and dream a little. But it’s also a little stressful. Before kids, even before marriage, definitely before monthly bills, became a reality, the options did seem a little more open because the time and opportunity to work hard for those options seemed possible. Now, I just don’t know.
I’ll end my thoughts for today with this: I’d rather have a shortened life, a poor life, a difficult life even, doing what I was created to do than play it safe and just survive. So, may the Lord give us direction as we look at life in a new way.

It’s late

oh my word, it is late. I haven’t been up until 1 a.m. in ages, and for good reason! But tonight, I ate too much chocolate and I have acid reflux and can’t sleep. Pitiful, I know! It may set off my sleep clock for quite a while unfortunately, but sometimes its natural consequences such as these that wake me to reality…i.e. make me stop eating too much chocolate.

I never was very good at kicking bad boyfriends to the curb.
But I’m still trying.
What i really want to write about at this crazy late hour before I start my fun week of fall break with my girls, is: Careers. Currently, I do not have one. Since the age of 14, my heart was set on being a missionary. A missionary who learns languages, loves on people, does basic health care and education where needed, writes, and sings. That really is my heart right there, all wrapped up in one sentence. But what a big weird situation I’m in, seeing as how I am in a little town in Ky, doing very little of this dream job description.
How did I get here, how am I going to get out, am I supposed to get out? Ah, who knows except the Lord. I usually don’t get too worried about, at least not these days because my life is full with what I DO have in my hands, leaving less time to care about what I do NOT have in my hands. But lately, with some job issues and such, and a few tiny thoughts about the future, I’ve been thinking…If being on the mission field isn’t in the cards for me, what is? What is supposed to become of these parts of me that are not being used?
Here are some ideas of what I could go back to school for: Teaching ESL. Counseling (mental health/grief/pastoral/wellness). Campus ministry. Special Education. Something I could do with writing/languages. (I love words.) Hmm. I just never considered that I would need a skill or degree that would be useful in the United States; when I was in college, I was thinking about underdeveloped nations, and to be honest, I still am. But I can’t imagine, with my health, and now with my daughters, living in the midst of that anymore. I didn’t have a back up plan.
My girls will have to double major and get a sensible Masters Degree, that’s all I ask. 🙂

The Poisonwood Bible

Wowza. I read the Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver this weekend. My, how it brought me back.

Ten years ago, I lived in Mali, West Africa…for just one year. It’s a year I remember better than any year of my life, and yet it doesn’t feel like it’s possible that it was THIS body that was there. It feels like another lifetime or a very long dream or a movie you grew up watching. I never talk about it, and I think that is because there are just no words. No one in my life was there to witness it with me, except one good friend who lives in TX now, and even with her, our memories are enough. It’s just too heavy for words.
But this book. This author knows how to describe the taste, smell, feeling of an African village. She is remarkable, the sheer amount of lessons carefully weaved into this piece of historical fiction. It should be read by anyone going to Africa, period, especially going as a missionary. It’s painful and scary, as is Africa! But it’s beautiful and real, as is Africa as well. I realize I’m not giving any real thoughts or details here; I’m not even telling anyone to read the book, because it could mess you up entirely! But in my soul, it stirs what has always been there. It’s not as raw and broken as it used to be, because I’m sealed inside this new season of life, a season of life where God has chosen a different slew of priorities for me. But it is still there. I’ll always love the people of Africa with a huge portion of my heart; I hope some of them in the village of Dialakorobougou know it.

Lovely Thursday

Ah, this is indeed lovely. I recognize that I am one of the very few moms out there with this luxury: My mom comes every Thursday to watch my kids. Sometimes she even does a little (or a lot of) house cleaning. It’s a shot in the arm, in those months of sickness or in those days that I actually feel well enough to get out and have lunch with a friend. Oh, God bless my mother!

Today, I slept until 11:45. That would be 14 hours! For over a week now, I have been sleeping like a dream, oh my gosh, I cannot describe how miraculous it is to be sleeping without medication!!! I am off Ambien and Trazodone, and using a mixture of some natural things and it’s working better than the officially serious drugs. (For any insomniacs out there: 3 mg Melatonin, 100 mg Phosphatidylserine, 200 mg Magnesium). Anyway, so what feels so great -and I just have to revel in it because my health has made me really depressed the last month and now things are looking up- is that I am CHOOSING to spend the day in bed today until my mom leaves, instead of being forced to. I feel great! I’m just going to listen to teaching CDs, read (I may even indulge in a little fiction), and later spend some time exercising, cleaning, and cooking. Thursdays are also especially fun because it’s almost the weekend, where all bets are off as far as I’m concerned.
It’s days like this that I must remember are coming, for sanity’s sake. It’s also days like this that remind me that people want to know how they can help. As moms, we stink at asking for help or clearly stating to our families/husbands/whatever what thing they could do that would rock our worlds. If we told them and planned for it, we might just be happier, relaxed, and have more “me” days than we thought possible…and I won’t let anyone tell me that that’s a bad thing! One last thought: It’s days like this (where I feel well yet also have a chance to chill) that I can see clearly enough to know that eating junk food or candy IS NOT the sum total of fun and relaxation. I tend to think if I’m calling a total chill day that I must stock my bedside table with unhealthy foods and watch TV all day. But when i’m feeling well enough to use my little brain, I know that days like this can be a great time to perpetuate the wellness, not drive it to extinction!

Still Thinking About Songs

Well, so far today has not worked out how I planned…it is better!

We wanted to go to church; Yemi and I have strep throat, but are not contagious anymore, and we needed to get out of the house! But at about 11 a.m., she decided she needed an early nap, so I’ve had the luxurious privilege of about 2 hours with the Lord. I was listening to some teaching by Martha Kilpatrick (amazing!), and then I saw on my iTunes where I had recorded some “new” songs last fall.

I have laid it down, this singing thing. I don’t think about it often. But…when I am reminded that I am a singer-songwriter, when I reminded of these old and new songs, when I sing, something kind of wakes up on the inside. There are a whole 10 people waiting for me to make a new CD, and that is enough motivation for me! However, there are so many things holding me back. Let me explore that real quick…

I need a band. Quite honestly, my piano ballads with just my voice are a bit boring. Yet, that is what I write, and I need a producer and band to give energy and life to my lyrics and melodies. What I produce completely on my own just isn’t enough for an entire CD; I have more than enough songs, I just need some additional input from several others who “get” me. That is hard to find.

It’s been a hard year, and so many times I have thought I may never get to be behind the piano singing my own concert again. Throat problems, health problems, time problems. I actually, on a spiritual level, needed to get away from it; I needed to come to the place where I knew I couldn’t do anything for the Lord until I learned to do nothing for Him. But I think, just for fun, it is going to happen again. Maybe even soon! I’m dreaming of a little concert where I just am who I am. I’m not great on the guitar, that’s a fact; I’m not interesting on the piano, another fact! BUT I can just be who I am where I am…and trust God will use that.

If you happen to be a “fan”, pray for me. That’s all I need. I seek Him first and He can add whatever He wants. 🙂

Waiting for my Eggs to Boil

Literally, I am waiting for my eggs to boil. Yemi is in her highchair eating cinnamon toast (no sugar of course), and I thought I’d blog for a minute waiting for my eggs to become as hard boiled as possible. (I hate soft boiled eggs!)

So…I thought I’d briefly just share some random thoughts. Someday I will be cool enough to put a picture along with each thought, but today is not that day. Someone on Facebook said that Facebook is causing narcissism among young adults, so in honor of that, here’s a post with every sentence starting with “I”.
I – have a sore throat and plan to spend my day on the couch as much as possible.
I- am giving up on potty training Yemi for awhile. I’m just not sure she understands.
I- found out yesterday Yemi’s speech is perfectly normal, if not advanced, much to my surprise.
I- am reading Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ by 18th century writer Madame Jeanne Guyon and it is amazing.
I- have worn out my John Mark McMillan CD.
I- am going to church with my family 3x a week now, which is a really nice improvement over zero!
I- cannot lose a pound. Not even one. Counting carbs, eating crazy well, no sugar, exercise 5 days a week. Not a pound.
I- am happy it’s Friday and a 3 day weekend…more time with Selah and fun family days. No major plans, but it’ll just be good. I like the norm very much, but it’s just fun to get out of it sometimes.