Living Love Story #9: Over the Top

There are certain times in life we remember better than others. A once in a lifetime vacation we remember a little better than day trips to the zoo. An outfit or pair of shoes we begged our parents for we remember better than humdrum school clothes. Sometimes we remember a gift because it was wrapped in a box that was 10x too big or we remember a surprise party better than a simple little one we planned. To remember something, we have to go through a series of strong emotions, we have to be awakened by a little bit of both agony and sheer joy! Think about a time you had a serious illness and were healed, or someone you love passed away, or when someone new came into your family–you can remember details about that season of your life whereas typically you would have no idea what you were doing that week. When things stand out of the ordinary, we remember it and we find ourselves telling and retelling the story.

I think that’s a little bit of what God was up to when He delivered the Israelites out of Egypt in the epic story of Moses, Pharoah, and the Crossing of the Red Sea. He has a crazy strategy; He plans a true saga! (That has to be right because look how many movies have been made about it!) The flies, the blood, the gnats, the sons, the magicians, the staff, the snake, Moses and his stuttering tongue, Aaron and his apparent eloquence…none of these things even mattered! They were just pawns in God’s hand to play out a story, a story that God wanted to stamp into the history of this book called God’s Fanatical Love For the People of Israel. (Yep, I just called God a fanatic!) In Exodus 10:1-2, God lays it out plainly. He makes it clear He has never for one moment been in a submissive posture as this story unfolds. He orchestrated it–even down to the details of Pharoah’s stubborn hardened heart–to give Israel a chance to see in the uncut, unedited form Who He Is. So that they would never forget. So that they would keep telling this over the top story to their children and their children’s children, forever and ever, amen. It’s like a great engagement story or “when I knew he would be my future husband” story…those moments that lead to a depth of relationship. He wanted them to know Him.

God will do whatever He’s gotta do for His own to know Him and come close, and we can know whatever He does is gonna be memorable. And the very cool part about Him is that anyone who will come into the fold is welcome, becoming an instantaneous loved one, equally valuable and protected as He demonstrates in all of these chapters and these specific verses (Ex. 11:7, Ex. 12:13, Ex. 14:13-14, Ex. 14:25) Did God play favorites in this story of the Israelites and Egyptians? Of course He did. If there is a fold, there will be those in the fold and those out of it. I don’t particularly like that, but its still true. So what is my amazing, philosophical, theological response? Get in the fold, enjoy being His favorite, and be a living invitation to everyone around you!

In our lives now, what would happen if we viewed everything that comes our way as part of an illustrious memorable story God is writing to teach us of His character and to make us more like Him? It’s funny how we can see that happening in other people’s lives but not our own sometimes. That mean person at the store, that low number in the checking account, that sickness, that plan falling through, that disappointment, that injustice. That decades long issue that you can’t seem to shake. I am positive that we can find the activity of God right here, right now, sitting in our laps, written in our journals, poured out loud in our prayers…whatever we’re thinking about, going through, working through, there it is! There is God writing your history, with something in mind that will ultimately give Him glory and help us know Him deeply if we will relax under His authority.


I have felt like God has been whispering the word “receiving” in my ear for several months now. It’s been sort of the theme of the year so far…And I want to unpack that a little in my blog today. What is so special about this word that I keep misspelling every time I write it?

At church on Sunday when I’m leading worship, I’m thinking about forgetting myself and coming into the presence of the Lord, giving Him praise and attention that He deserves. At home with my kids, I’m thinking about teaching them about Jesus, how to treat one another, and how to control oneself (things I’m still learning for myself!) In other different callings and things I’m involved in, I’m thinking of what I can contribute. And all the while, the Lord is whispering the word: Receiving. As I give, I must be simultaneously receiving–like an IV connecting me to the hidden place in Christ–and to be quite honest, if I’m not, I expect it to be necessary for the Lord to let the stream of “ministry” pouring out of my time here on earth run dry. He’s done it before, and I bless Him for it! No one needs Lyndsay…they need Jesus pouring through me. And in community, I don’t need you…I need Jesus pouring through you. How can this happen? Through doing more stuff for each other? Lists? Committees? Small groups? No, through receiving. Those other things are just about organization, which is helpful, but they can easily be empty, dry, man made.
Selah comes to me sometimes in tears feeling like she doesn’t know how to “know” God, and I remember feeling that way for years and years. My expectation of myself was to have awesome quiet times and never lag in that connection, try to keep a clean record and a star chart of good behavior…but that wasn’t knowing God (at all) and so it was a blessing to fail over and over, to finally learn that this relationship with God thing is all about, yes, receiving. I began to put every day items in a little box and give them to her, letting her realize the correlation that the Wite-Out, the pencil, the whatever, is there for the taking, to use, to enjoy, to help her schoolwork to be easier, but that until she took it, unwrapped it, and did something with it, she had not received it. Oh, to learn to let Him lavish us with His gifts! I’m not talking about material stuff; that’s so cheap. God gives us what we need, but I mean, so much more…cleansing and grace, friendship and counsel, peace and joy.
Isaiah 55 says, “Come all you are thirsty, come to the waters and drink!! And you who have no money, come, buy and eat!” When we come with empty hands and space in our heart, that’s exactly where He wants us to be. Are we doing everything right in our lives? Are we where we’re supposed to be on this planet, doing what we’re made for? We’ll know only through coming and receiving. It’s a step we can’t skip…it’s a step we must learn to stay on as well. “Why spend your money on what is not bread and your labor on what does not satisfy?” Our good works and efforts to please the Lord through following strict rules or doing what others think we should doesn’t satisfy, doesn’t bring us closer to the One Thing that satisfies. And He says, “Come to me and I will give you what you need. Your soul will delight in the richest of fare. Seek Me while I may be found (the time is now!) I will have mercy and will freely pardon, and I’ll give you my Word which will never fail to accomplish what I sent it to you to accomplish.” It’s like He’s saying, I’ve led the horse to water but I cannot make it drink. This part is something only we can do.
This whole thing is about receiving! Receiving difficulties–as Fenelon said in my last blog–and entrusting ourselves to Him in the midst of them. Receiving grace–no longer trying to make it on our own into a special club of His favorites (we’re already in it, yes, we are all His favorites!) Total trust is when we just receive because we believe He allowed it, and if He allowed it, therefore it has meaning and purpose in His loving plan for us and is to be accepted. When I live in a posture of receiving, I can’t help but simultaneously live in a posture of giving. When I live in a posture of receiving, then anxiety about “living right for God” is replaced with thankfulness that He would let me come so near and not have to do anything to “earn my keep.”
What made me think of all this today is I was watching the musical Annie with my kids this afternoon. There’s this part where Annie walks into Mr. Warbuck’s mansion for her weeklong visit and is greeted by all the staff, and Ms. Ferrell says, “Annie, what would you like to do first?” And Annie, who has worked at the orphanage night and day for her whole life, smiles and says: “I’ll start with the windows, then the floor…” And Ms. Ferrell says, “Annie, you aren’t going to be doing any work here!” And Annie says, “Well, how will I earn my keep?” Ms. Ferrell replies: “Oh, Annie, you’re our guest!” I could not stop the tears as I watched this today. I was imagining us in God’s Kingdom finally understanding that we don’t have to earn our keep. That we are His guests. We are receivers. Every calling, every position, every job, every role, every effort, every act of obedience flows naturally from a life of receiving, and the flow has an effect that we never thought possible.

By Fenelon

I’m sorry that I haven’t had time to keep writing my “Living Love Story” blog…I am right in the middle of the Moses story, and I assume the Lord wants me to just hang there for a bit. I’ll probably pick back up and start writing these stories of God’s vision for intimacy with us throughout Biblical history soon. But in the meantime, I am met head on by the Spirit–in His challenging, convicting, deep to the marrow kind of personality–through this book, Let Go by Fenelon.

Fenelon was the Archbishop of Cambrai, France, during the 17th century. The introduction of this short devotional book tells us: “Fenelon had the opportunity of becoming the spiritual advisor of a small number of earnest people at the Court of Louis the Fourteenth, who sought, under Fenelon’s wise direction, to live a life of true spirituality in the midst of a court life which was shamelessly immoral.”
Here’s an excerpt I have been mulling over all week:

“Evil circumstances are changed into good when they are received with an enduring trust in the love of God…

…while good circumstances may be changed into evil when we become attached to them through the love of self.

Nothing in us or around us is truly good until we become detached from the world and totally abandoned to God.

So, even though you are now in these bad circumstances, put yourself confidently and without reserve into His hand.

I would give anything to see you in better circumstances.

But if evil circumstances have taught you to be sick of the love of the world, then that is good.

That love of self, which the world advocates, is a thousand times more dangerous than any poison.

I pray for you with all my heart.”

The Cross and the Throne

I wanted to share a couple of thoughts today that are making this Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday extremely meaningful to me.  God has graciously given me some touch points this frazzled brain of mine can hold to when I’m feeling disconnected from the beautiful truths of this weekend.

About a week ago, my 4 year old daughter was acting really out of control, and unfortunately, me in my 34 years of wisdom “decided” to go there with her. I had been through hours of her difficult behavior, and had stayed so calm and quiet and firm, until all of a sudden I was the complete opposite of those things. I yelled at her and slammed the door and just acted like a fool. A few minutes later I went back to her and her sister, and in tears, I asked for their forgiveness. They were precious; we hugged and kissed, and while I didn’t feel like I deserved such immediate love, they gave it. Then I asked them to please pray with me. I closed my eyes and as I began to pray, asking for God’s forgiveness for my anger and lack of self control, I saw a bright red drop of blood. Still with my eyes closed, this is what I saw in the darkness–a bright red drop of blood. I felt Jesus saying, “When drops of my blood spilled onto the ground, it was for this, it was for you. It was for all these moments when you realize you are not righteous on your own and have no where to turn and no where to go to be cleansed, but to Me.” I will never forget this, and this Good Friday I see that drop of blood in my mind and all I can say is “It cleanses and covers me. I’ll take it and let it do it’s work in me. Thank You, Jesus.”
And then not too long ago my friend shared on Facebook about her newborn son dying. He would be a teenager now and she was writing a message on his birthday. Her message to him brought me to tears and I was speechless–I don’t know where she found the words, except that the Holy Spirit gave them to her. She reminded all of us reading that her son’s very existence in Heaven with Jesus, that his eternal life that began on his birthday, is proof of the Resurrection. Because Jesus was victorious over death and the grave, SO SHALL WE BE if we are in Christ! If He had not risen, what hope do we have of His promise of our own resurrection? None at all. What hope would we have of seeing the saints, the children, and our loved ones who have gone before us someday in Glory? None at all. But because He lives, so do they, and so will we. Full of His Spirit here, alive in the light of His Face there. It’s a win-win situation, as all things are in Christ.
May this sacred weekend bring you and your family to the Cross and to the Throne, both of which are available fully and freely to ANYONE, all because of our hero, Jesus Christ.

Thoughts for the Beloved…

Hello Friends. I am not quite sure when I blogged last, but it certainly feels like its been awhile!
It is a good time, with Spring (maybe?) on the brink…

In my heart though, there is some turmoil. I feel the turmoil of inequality, abuse, and poverty when I get prayer requests from International Justice Mission, or when I write letters to our sponsored children, or when I hear news about Mali or Israel, or when I wait with adoptive families for news so much slower than Christmas. I’ve learned that this grief is a part of my life, and I bear it with the Lord, with being the key word. But there is a different kind of turmoil, and I think many in our country feel it right now. It’s the turmoil of disagreement and strife among friends and family and believers that has risen due to issues of morality. It seems that we are all stepping over each other, raising our hands, jumping up and down, trying to get our version of “values” picked. I’m not saying we should be silent, Beloved. But here are some thoughts I’m wanting to focus on in these times…

I am comforted by the truth that this was never supposed to be my home. As believers, we are ambassadors! Think of a foreign ambassador and what they do! The US Ambassador to Kenya doesn’t try to make the Kenyans live and think and act like Americans. No, they simply represent their country to the best of their ability. We represent the Kingdom of God with the help of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes that means we put in our 2 cents about moral standards, I certainly don’t see why we can’t because as light we brighten and as salt we enhance–our words of truth and wisdom can be great gifts–but most of the time I think being an ambassador is just going to mean we remember we are strangers, we don’t expect to have a country at all like our own, we aim to hold true personally to the standards of our own King, and we offer luxurious gifts of grace and love from Him to anyone who will receive them.

I believe that the feelings that flare up inside when our moral standards are not agreed upon by the masses or the lawmakers comes from two things. One, we are feeling God’s sadness that people are turning farther and farther from His touch and His wise parental guidance. It’s hard to see our country which has been blessed as “One Nation Under God” slowly but surely make that last word taboo. It’s heartbreaking when believers interpret the Word differently than each other and feel that they could not possibly be wrong. Christian values doesn’t even mean the same thing to me as it may to you! That’s because none of us are perfectly in sync with the heart of God. But on the issues that I know for sure break God’s heart,  I am learning that these difficulties and disagreements should simply lead us to pray so much more, and make our grief over these things more of a vertical conversation rather than a horizontal one.

Two, I think we are upset because we’re simply afraid. It is normal for a child to feel fear when they are not given boundaries, or when they live inside boundaries but all of a sudden no one else is enforcing their playmate’s boundaries. When we feel the morality ship is starting to sink, we become afraid and insecure, because we see that the lack of boundaries is going to bring bondage and negative natural consequences instead of freedom and rewards, like we see in families where the parents refuse to discipline their children. When we feel afraid though, we must remember that this is not our home. We’re not supposed to settle in comfortably and build a fort around our families, hoping to escape the consequences of the actions we were four square against. Its just like in a marriage or a tight knit community. Whether you like what a loved one did or not, you’re likely going to have to suffer the effects of their choices right along with them, at the very least indirectly…and that makes us scared. And sure, angry, too. But we don’t need to be afraid.

We are just passing through, friends. We were not promised reward, physical freedom, luxury, ease, or safety here in this foreign land! We should expect turmoil, disagreement (while we don’t go looking for it, Jesus never once sugar coated the truth in order to make peace), misinterpretation of our beliefs, misunderstanding of our intentions… and we should bear up under these peaceably without taking offense, like Jesus. Don’t be afraid to live by your consciences, that doesn’t make you prejudiced or judgmental! That’s your right as a human being to think what you want! But we must remember the gentleness in which Jesus showed the heart of God to the world. As the Beloved, remember this: “When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats. Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly. He Himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” (1 Peter 2:23-25)

The humility of a forgiven sinner can go a long way in shining the light of Jesus in a dark world.

Sacred Moments

I just finished putting the girls to bed, and was blessed with some very sweet moments. I admit I rush through bedtime so often! Just want to!  But tonight I was a little more at ease. I thought I’d share these…

I kissed Yemi goodnight and she said, “Can I sing a song to you?” And I said yes. She sang:
“Jesus loves the little mommies. All the mommies of the world. Yellow, red, and black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little mommies of the world.” 🙂

I kissed Selah goodnight and she said, “Can you lay down and talk for a minute?” And I said yes. (How thankful I am for that question! I hope she always asks!) She was talking about some struggles and thoughts for a minute. God is teaching me to listen and not freak out and offer too much advice; this will be a lifelong lesson for me, but for certain personalities, I’m learning they just need to talk things out and not have someone react but just listen and trust they will work it out. Anyway, then she got silly…then she got serious…then she said, “You know what, Mom? When I grow up, my dream is to be Abraham Lincoln #2. When I die I want to be able to say I did my very best to end slavery in the world.” I felt like a Jewish father on the Sabbath, resting my hand on her shoulder and blessing her, saying amen to that desire. (And of course I felt like I needed to say after blessing her that the Lord may choose to use her in a completely different way, and we must surrender to Him. Gotta stick that in there since it has been the story of my life!)

The Holy Spirit reminded me of the verse where Paul says to fan into flame the gifts of the Spirit by the laying on of hands, to affirm the thoughts and desires and ideas of the people of God. Oh, to “fan the gifts into flame” for our children! THAT is what I want to be doing these years! Those moments do not happen often around here, it seems, but I pray for more. More of what truly matters; less of the filler. It just reminds me that the everyday is sacred if we’ll have quiet hearts and invite Him in every space, every role, every moment.

A Good Place (Down Here)

Good evening, friends! I feel like I lost the past 3 weeks of my life! No reason to backtrack, it is nothing worth hearing! We were all sick…twice. Wah! But in that down time, I had a remarkable amount of reflecting, praying, journaling, thinking, talking, crying, and planning going on. I knew as it was going on that it was good, but I did begin to worry it might never let up…One can only handle so much of that stuff!

There’s a song I have been listening to a lot by Sara Groves, From This One Place. The chorus is “From this one place I can’t see very far. From this one moment I’m square in the dark. These are the things I will trust in my heart, that You can see, You can see, something else.” Its been rolling around in my head for days…The soundtrack of this difficult emotional and physical season.

I turned 35 in the middle of this time, and while I love birthdays and did get to celebrate (several times!), I was a little sad. From this one place, from this one moment, wow, I really cannot see very far. I am in more of a submissive position than ever to the Lord and others; I have finally learned how very little control I have over my destiny!!  With this fatigue issue comes a lot of research, discipline, investment of time and money, and honestly, questioning…”Will this work? Is this worth it? Am I doing enough? Am I changing the right things?” There were relationships that needed hours of working through. There were fears embedded deep at the root of things I wasn’t letting go of. There were and will be again days where I am clinging to this one thing: that He at least can see something else. I worked hard while I was sick!

In all of those feelings though, in all of the work I am required to do as the caretaker of my life here, there are certain solid truths that just carry me. They really lift me up and carry me. The belief that God personally calls me His Beloved and that everything He allows into my life goes through His hands first, that carries me. He is not bewildered or upset by my hurdles, and they are not for me to jump over anyway…they are for me to walk through hand in hand with Him. The knowledge that the Holy Spirit lives inside of me and intercedes to the Father in accordance with His will every minute of every day, that carries me. The blessing of community, friends and family who would drop anything to be the Body of Christ to each other, that carries me.

 I like to soar, not be carried. But this is a good place.

The 3 Days in Bed Kind of Perspective

I don’t think I talk a lot about adrenal fatigue on my blog, or in my every day life either, but lately I have begun to bring it up more. I’m not sure why…I guess it’s because I want people close to me to understand what I’m going through, and because I think that I need to make even more major changes and I want them to be on board with me. I will start with saying it’s really excruciatingly difficult to talk about. I don’t like being a needy or weak person! I like pushing through, I like a challenge, and I like to be on the top of my game. And I definitely don’t want to be that person who always has a problem or excuse.

But I’m going to use this blog to say what adrenal fatigue is, what it feels like, how it occurs, how one can recover, and what the possible lifelong ramifications of it can be.

First of all, the adrenal glands are tiny but very important organs. They put out all kinds of hormones to keep us stable. They release adrenaline to help us deal with stresses such as blood sugar crashes, exercise, and scary incidents! They also release cortisol (which is both a good thing and a bad thing. Cortisol is released to balance the adrenaline, and so if one is dealing with too many blood sugar crashes, exercise, and stressful incidents, they become a cortisol making machine. High cortisol is dangerous, causes belly fat, and is linked to heart disease.) The adrenals cannot keep up with the making of these stress hormones and then when you need them, the hormones aren’t there to help you stabilize. Adrenals also make DHEA, estrogen, testosterone, and aldosterone.

Adrenal fatigue is usually caused by some kind of physical or emotional trauma, one that is either drawn out or something unexpected like a car wreck. It’s really common for people with adrenal fatigue to be “driven”, or overworked like a mom with little children or a medical student. Mine began while I was a missionary in one of the hardest places to live on the planet, I’ve been told. My body went through a lot there, and I am also a “driven person” (although I have changed a lot through the years.) I left Africa 12 years ago, and have had symptoms off and on ever since.

It feels a lot like the flu, with aches, mind fogginess, need for about 12 hours of sleep but often insomnia, and extreme exhaustion. For me, there were years where it also was accompanied by a weak immune system, headaches, panicky feelings, and random fevers. Before I even had a diagnosis, there were a few years in those 9 that I thought I was healed! Those were the years that Selah (almost 8) was conceived, my first year of raising her, and June 2011 to June 2012. Each time all the symptoms returned for no reason that I can find. I finally learned three years ago that I have adrenal fatigue, and it was a great relief to be armed with books and knowledge. There is no way to try everything recommended unless you lived alone and had money you didn’t know what to do with, but here is the basic plan for recovery.

*Chill out. Quit your job if you have to. (I have quit multiple jobs as the symptoms returned.) Let go of pressures and as many responsibilities as it humanly possible. Try to steer clear of stressful people and figure out what your own expectations are that you are clinging to.
*Exercise less. Only exercise to the point of exhilaration, not exhaustion. (I am doing 15 min a day and I think I’ve found a happy medium…finally!)
*Do not try to lose weight, but eat nutrient dense food all day long. Don’t allow yourself to be hungry. Eat power foods, and at least 5 full cups of fruits and veggies daily. No caffeine, fast food, fried food, or processed food.
*Get rid of all added sugar, this wears out the adrenals. Even have to be careful of some fruits, like bananas and raisins.
*See if you have any food allergies or sensitivities to chemicals like cleaners or detergent. Allergies are a stress to the body.
*Sleep from 10pm to 9am or at least be in bed that much. (Some of you are laughing. I know it’s not possible with little kids, but at least you could say these are the times you are ALLOWED to lay around.) And speaking of allowing yourself to lay around, take 2 fifteen minute “naps” just laying wherever you are with eyes closed. I never have once slept during these, but just close my eyes and breathe deeply.
*There’s a ton of supplements to try, but the most important thing is to be tested and find out what you’re lacking before you buy anything. Someone with adrenal fatigue will need DHEA which is an over the counter supplement and it takes a while to find out how much you need. I have went from 5 mg to 45 mg, and still rising. It’s frustrating to go back for blood work so often, but it’s the only way to figure it out.

If you don’t deal with it, AF can turn into a host of other illnesses, including Addison’s disease, Thyroid disease, MS, and because of the cortisol issue, heart disease.

So something shifted in my perspective as I laid in bed with strep and the flu this weekend. If my throat had not felt like there were knives in there, plus the white stuff I saw with the flashlight, I would not have even went to the doctor. I was so tired and achy I wanted to cry, but I had felt like that off and on for months. I genuinely felt no different with the flu than I normally feel, after that first day in bed. That was alarming to me.

I spent a lot of time reading and researching again to see if there was anything new, and so far, there isn’t. I’ve already made the changes I know to make…except…

I don’t know how to stay chilled out. I don’t know how to not have goals and expectations of myself! I don’t think I have pressure from others in my life…I think it’s all me. As soon as I have a day that I feel decent, I make all kinds of plans. And I know that having adrenal fatigue doesn’t mean I can’t be involved in things…but it does mean I cannot get involved in things that would stress me or make me have a long to-do list. (But I love my to-do lists!) I wrote out all of my responsibilities and there were seven main categories. In each category, I am asking God to show me not necessarily what physical job I need to let go of, but what expectation/worry about them that I need to let go of. There is a big difference between quitting something, and quitting worrying about something. I realized this weekend that if I have had this for 12 years, there is a good chance that even when I feel great again-which i will someday-my adrenals will always be in need of t.l.c. so my choices are not short term, they are changes I have to make for good. I’m asking for the Holy Spirit to just show me how to do this!

So that is where I’m at. I had said last year that my new years resolution for 2013 was to “hang out more” but it wasn’t long before I had a long list of other ideas. Crossing them off now. This is the life God has given me, and I need to learn how to live it.

Living Love Story #8: Moses and Me

Yeah, Moses and I go way back. I love this story from start to finish, but today I want to write about just the beginning of Moses’ life and mission. I relate to this Old Testament Bible character more than any other, and I continue to learn from the raw and real substance that made up his humanity.

We are in Exodus…starting at chapter 2. We see the intimate connection that God has with his children, the people of Israel, who have been crying out for deliverance from the slave drivers of Egypt. Exodus 2:23-25 tells us that God heard them, saw them, remembered His covenant to them, and was concerned about them. In Exodus 3:8, we see God lay out His plan for their rescue as He reveals Himself to Moses through a burning bush. God says, “Go and tell the Pharoah that the I AM has sent you. Tell him that he must release My people, and if he says no, it’s gonna get ugly.” (Something like that, right?) Moses has some questions, some issues…to the extent that in chapter 4, he pleads with God to just send someone else.
Real quickly, let me squeeze these two little goodies in here as well. He tells Moses to take off his shoes because he is standing on holy ground. Oh the reality of His nearness! What do we need to remove from our lives in order to FULLY soak in His presence? How easy He is to ignore, how easy it is to be shielded from the reality of His nearness, in this world, in our busy lives, in our compromised lives. And the second sweet word of His desire for intimacy is simply this: “Moses, I will be with you.”
Now, Moses had been a man of strong and intense passion, specifically passion for justice. He had killed a man who was mistreating one of his fellow Israelites many years before; in fact, that was the reason he fled out to the desert and relocated completely. Also, he had narrowly escaped one of the most horrific acts of injustice in history when he was a baby–the Pharoah had declared all male babies be killed upon their arrival into the world–but Moses had been spared. He had a fiery heart for justice…and he had used it unwisely. Every gift the Holy Spirit gives us, every innate passion, can be turned around for evil, can be mishandled. I have a fiery heart for justice, too. I get in my mind what must be done for the least of these, and I want everyone everywhere to stop their everyday lives and minister to others in the way that makes sense to me! But I have learned over the past 8 years that this is taking a God-given passion and turning it into a man-directed ministry. I haven’t killed anybody but I’ve probably killed some relationships! Whether it’s about finances, living sacrificially, fasting, raising awareness, the poor, slavery, adopting, child sponsorship, missions, prayer, whatever, there is a judgmental side of my heart for justice that has to be starved into extinction. It’s a fine line between living my own life according to my convictions and also being a voice for the Lord in an appropriate way.
Not only was dear Moses just a little out of control like me sometimes, with a heart for equality and human rights, when the time came for him to embark upon the mission of a lifetime, he was scared to death. It’s like watching a lion all of sudden stop roaring and hide behind a rock. It’s like watching a guy step off of his soapbox and shiver at the idea of actually doing what he’s talking about. And I’ve been there. It’s easy to lay in bed at night and think of what I’ll say and do…but the next day when the lights are on we realize how silly we are, how difficult that idea would be to pull off. We remember times we were embarrassed or times things didn’t work out well. Can I really say that? Can I really sing that? Can I really do that? What if, what if, what if?
Getting over ourselves. Will we do it? Will we abandon our lives and our pride in order to be used by the Lord in precisely the way He chooses? That may mean you lay aside your career to stay home with your kids, or it may mean you go let your light shine in a dark world when you’d rather be home with your kids! It may mean you go to India and live among the poor and it may mean you stay here in relative comfort, learning to pray without ceasing. I believe that most of our callings will have these two things in common though:  One, we will be more obscure, more unnoticed, than we planned. And two, we will need a daily–constant–infusion of the presence of God, “shoes” off, in order to carry it out.

10 Steps to a Better Budget…(or Something Like That)

Oops! I totally forgot that I started a series of blogs about finances. Let me wrap that up for goodness sake…

In the previous blogs, I wrote that having a budget and sticking to it matters for so many reasons and I just can’t say that enough. We have freedom to give only when we are good stewards of what God has given us! Being stable enough to help others requires sacrifice. Knowing where our money is going -every penny- and not having the expectation that we deserve to rise to a higher standard of living are a couple good places to start.

1) Make a budget with detailed categories, and project how much should be spent in each category.

2) One category should be a savings account (separate from your other savings account). This account should be for the things you know you will need to spend money on in the year, such as property taxes, or any bill that just comes once or twice a year, making it hard to put in a monthly budget. I add together all these types of yearly expenditures, divide it by 12, and put that amount in the savings monthly. Then we don’t have to freak out when the car needs repairs, etc, because we knew it would happen eventually and we were (somewhat and sometimes!!) prepared.

3) Think about how much you’re spending on health. It’s an important investment, and there may be changes you can make to insurance, prescriptions, gyms, etc. to make it better and less expensive at the same time.

Okay, that was a re-cap. Now onto a few more ideas.

4) Stuff for our Kids: This is when it gets hard, and I struggle through this weekly, but here are a few things I’m trying to do. One, make a cash envelope, or at least a specific budget if not actually setting aside cash, for each child, to cover their birthday, Christmas, and other special holiday type gifts. Decide how much you think is appropriate to spend and only spend that much, and don’t give in to picking up things for them every time you’re at Target. Easier said than done, I know, but these are extras, non-necessities. We want to teach our kids to appreciate gifts because they aren’t used to always getting what they want/new things. Two, make a Family Fun cash envelope or budget and decide at the beginning of the month how you’ll spend it. When it’s gone, it’s gone. Find free activities after that! They need to see there’s a limit. We don’t have to say “Money doesn’t grow on trees”, we show them. Lastly, involvement in extracurricular stuff: I believe in investing in God given talents and I’m glad my parents did that for me. But doing one type of team or lesson at a time is a pretty good rule I’ve heard from a lot of parents, so kids have to choose and they put more value into what they’re doing.

5) This one will be short and that is the “Bills” category. What are your needs and what are your wants? We should know the difference, right?

6) We have a miscellaneous category in our budget. It’s a good and a bad thing! Good because life happens and there is just no way you can project everything that is going to be paid for in a month. But bad because things can really pile up in there. Haircuts. Stamps. Parking. If every penny has to be accounted for in some part of the budget, where does one put “$10 Dog Toy”? In Miscellaneous.

7) Giving: A couple things here. One, we don’t give under compulsion or by any rules. As believers, we give to where we see the Body of Christ at work, because this and not a building is the Church! Second, I weigh a lot of things against the fact that sponsoring a child in a third world country, giving them food, shelter, education, safety, and opportunity to know Jesus, costs $35 a month. Whenever we take on some kind of monthly bill and it comes to anywhere near this number, I am thinking, “Hmmm…upgrade the phone or save a child’s life?” I’m serious. This is the intensity that my poor husband has to live with.

8) Cash Envelopes. It’s a Dave Ramsey thing and it’s seriously worth it. Some people do it for almost everything, we do it for the areas of the budget where overspending is a habit: eating out, family fun, individual blow money. Sometimes if grocery starts to get a little crazy, I’ll do the cash thing for a month or two to get it under control again. Like Pinkalicious’ Mom says: “You get what you get, and you don’t get upset.”

9) Shopping. You know, it’s inevitable that you’re going to need some new things, but here’s an idea…A friend of mine and I went a year once without buying anything new. I mean, we bought deodorant and stuff, but no new shoes or clothes or appliances or whatever. We bought only necessities for a year, and it was really fun. It made me consider how much money is spent that really didn’t need to be spent. Ads are pretty powerful, and the fact is if there is an ad for it, you most likely do not need it. Notice how they don’t make commercials for electricity, running water, and the most basic of clothes, cars, and hygiene products? Nope. The ads are for bigger and better and brighter, and they make you think its something you should get in on, but someone is rolling in the dough at our expense. (Don’t get me started on kids toys or electronics!! The new models that come out every year with one tiny thing upgraded on it!! Makes me want to gag!!)

10) Last thing, make an emergency budget of what you absolutely could not live without and compare it to your existing budget. See how bad things could be? If you have no savings, I recommend living on the emergency budget until you have three months of that amount (your total emergency budget monthly needs) saved.

Well, I hope this wasn’t too boring or annoying. Maybe everyone is already doing this and tons more, that’s great! I just like to share what I’m learning, hope it helps!