#HowToBuild: The Living Word

“…We are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building. By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss…Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple?” 1 Corinthians 3:9-16

We are in the building process, every day, through the circumstances God allows into our lives, but also through the choices we make to add layer upon layer onto our faith!

One choice that we must make in order to build (and build upon) a firm foundation is to be daily and regularly in the Word of God.

Communication between us and God is set in motion when we are in His Word. There is always something new and always something more, if reading is accompanied by openness to the Holy Spirit. If we ask Him directly for His input, He will open new truth that speaks to the current status of our heart and life! I have that much confidence in the Holy Spirit/Word of God duo!!! If the Word feels dull, confusing, irrelevant, infuriating, boring, or even wrong, we can tell Him how we feel. The Word is alive, interactive, and meant to bring conversation with Him.

Being in the Word of God is one of the main ways we can hear God’s voice, because His Word IS His voice! When we have begun to recognize His voice in Scripture, we begin to hear Him speak outside of it, too. A thought while we’re driving the car, an answer to a particular prayer or question. Reading His Word is one of the main ways we can learn to differentiate between which thoughts (and even words from others that are directed toward us) are from God and which need to be dismissed and forgotten. It gives us an innate discernment, what is called the “mind of Christ”, because our hearts are melding into His as we read more and more about what He loves and hates. It grows in us a change of opinion when our opinions were wrong. It grows in us a softness where there needs to be mercy and a fierce determination where there is meant to be justice. His Word is living and active. It goes in and it changes things. It is the nutrient our souls were meant to ingest daily! I can’t help but think of the yogurt with the “1 billion acidophilus cultures” in it. The package declares this incredibly wonderful but creepy message: Active bacteria, live cultures! Gee, thanks!! (But really…thanks!) That healthy bacteria that we’re ingesting, as weird as it sounds, is making our digestive system a much happier place. The good bacteria needs to be there to overpower and kill off the bad bacteria that would make us sick. Think of God’s Word, all of it, any of it, as a living and active ingredient that goes in where He knows it needs to go, to whatever parts of our heart need to be cleansed, overpowered with truth and goodness, and made healthy again. And just a side note, most of us don’t get these live cultures in the food we normally eat. Very few restaurants are handing out rejuvenating, life giving food; we have to go out of our way to find it and consume it…hint hint!

Love and respect for the Word of God grows the more we become acquainted with it. Psalm 119 is an intense chapter of appreciation and longing for Scripture. The wisdom and the joy of the writer! He had found something worth going on and on about…!

In different seasons of life, we have to get creative and make being in the Word happen. Here are some ideas and resources for that, just to name a few:

*Listen to podcasts, such as Passion City Church , Martha Kilpatrick , Bethel Church , and Beth Moore. Even if they are just playing in a sometimes-empty room, grab what you can as the Word of God streams through the air of your house!

*Watch preaching and teaching videos. Some of my favorites are: Anyone from International House of Prayer, Kansas City , especially Misty Edwards. We don’t have to agree with every point teachers make on videos we watch, but our hearts will feel if someone is just not lining up with God’s Word. Obviously, not everyone out there with videos online is preaching truth. The more we are in His Word for ourselves, the more we will be able to discern.

*Get involved in group or personal book studies, that dig into one particular topic or book of the Bible. Here’s a good resource: Women of Faith. I have personally always gotten a lot out of Beth Moore studies, but those were my pre-children season type of studies!  I highly recommend them though. I also read books and resources by Martha Kilpatrick regularly. You can find her info on the link above under podcasts.

*Read blogs! The transparency of blogs from people truly seeking God are invaluable! Here are some great ones I read: Ray Hollenbach and Ann Voskamp There are so many I could share, but those are the ones I usually click on when they go through my Twitter feed…

*Hide His Word in your heart. Memorize verses with your family. Write a verse a week on a poster and tape it to the wall next to the dinner table! I never realized the work, honestly, that the Word of God that I had memorized in the past was doing for me all these years. So many times that I had hope or bravery or the words to say, that was a direct result of hiding God’s Word in my heart throughout my life. Some of those verses were learned just so I could earn a piece of candy! Haha!

*Pray His Word…back to Him.

*Sing His Word…out loud!

*Just open it up and read. Daily, if we feel overwhelmed, we can read a Psalm and a chapter from a book of the New Testament for starters, and then see where He leads. There’s no right or wrong way to be in the Word. Sometimes God will keep me on one passage or sentence for weeks. We can’t be all about quantity with this. There are no stickers on any charts here!

I want to share this new song with you that I’ve been writing the past couple of weeks, “Your Voice”.  He is speaking…because He loves to. His Voice, His Word, these are some of the sweetest gifts He could have given us…and they are our’s in abundance.







#HowToBuild: Intro to New Blog Series

Some time ago I wrote a blog that mentioned how I’m re-learning this truth: “Build yourself up in your most holy faith…” Jude :20

How often I forget that just like my physical being needs continuous nutrients, my spiritual being needs continuous nutrients as well! So, what are those nutrients? How does one get to a deeper level, a more life-giving place, with God? And the even bigger question: How does one continue with that growth in a steadfast way, rather than the roller coaster ride most of us are accustomed to?

There’s a lot to explore here, but I do know this: It comes down to a daily decision. A daily choice. And that’s no one’s choice but our own.

For today…will we choose to turn our faces toward the Lord and do the work necessary to abide in Him?

A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream that spoke exactly to this and it really amazed me! I dreamt I woke up and the very first thing I did was go into a garage that was connected to my house (I don’t really have a garage but in my dream, I did.) I opened the door and saw two cars. One car was already warmed up for me. The engine was already purring. It looked like I wouldn’t have to think about it, do a single thing for it, in fact it seemed as if I wouldn’t even have to drive it but that it would drive me!  The other car was cold. It was on E. The battery was barely hanging on and would need a jump. Which did I have time for? Which seemed the most attractive? Which was easier to hop in and start my day with?

I woke up knowing exactly what the Spirit of God was saying to me, and oh how I needed to hear it. I could choose to walk in the flesh all day, which is always warmed up and ready to go, and let my natural (read: ungodly) responses to people and life rule my mind, mouth, attitude, and actions…or I could choose to pause for a little while and let my heart and mind be renewed and transformed in the presence of my Savior, a work that is His work but that I have to ask for and acknowledge my need of.

So this is just a picture of our choice. It’s just spelling out the simple truth that loving God, embracing His love for us (being changed by this gift), and being able to show His love to others don’t just happen spontaneously. No, we shed the garments of the flesh, and we put on the garments of righteousness. Not just on the day of salvation, but everyday, through confession of sin, prayer, worship, being in the Word of God, putting on our spiritual armor, being in fellowship with other believers, obeying, using our spiritual gifts, and many more practices that refresh, remind, and revive. I used to be so aggravated that I would wake up to a battle every morning. I would go to bed peaceful and in love with Jesus and wake up as fleshly as flesh can be. I still do. The difference is that now I expect this! Take that, Satan! Now I know that battle will be there, and it stands as my opportunity to consciously choose to walk in the Spirit instead. Amen!

For the next month or two, I want to write a series of blogs talking about how to “build yourself up in your most holy faith.” I have been the victim of the enemy for so long, in emotional and mental battles, in morning misery, in thinking I should be better, be stronger, live closer to the Lord…But now I know the truth. #1, it’s not just me!! #2, the Word of God clearly details how we can be strengthened for those battles, no longer a victim, no longer caught off guard. So, what I’m writing about is elementary, the blog titles will not wow anybody, but still, many of us including myself need to hear these truths and walk in them in a consistent manner in order to see the victory we long for, to be the people who will bring His Kingdom ways into this day, and to have the joy that should characterize a child of God!

Today’s blog is the introduction to the series, and we’ll jump into specifics, in no particular order, soon! I also have some songs I’m writing that I would like to include in these series, so I pray that the Lord will speak these magnificent truths through my very small offering of words.  The first song I want to share to go with this series is We Come Out Shining. This is on the CD Who We Are While We Wait available at: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/lyndsaytaylor3 or iTunes.

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:3-6

Why Do We Share?

Before I get going on what I want to write about today, I just want to say something that’s been rolling around in my mind awhile.

Ever since the kids started going to school and I’m no longer homeschooling, I have this time to just be…think connected and uninterrupted thoughts…pray and listen…and write. So more blogs are coming, more songs will be written, more thoughts will find a way to be expressed. But why? Why share?

Why do I write? Why do I sing? Why do I share? One, it’s because if a truth spurred me on in my faith, I want to pass that along for others to experience as well. That’s one of the ways I personally grow–when the intimacy of one’s life with Jesus seeps out a little and I catch a glimpse of it, my fire is reignited, and believe me, I need my fire reignited! But you know, none of what I have to say or sing or share is original. It didn’t originate from me. I don’t tweet or blog or song-write thinking I have invented something…I’m watching the river of life rush by, and I grab onto whatever I can find from the Spirit of God, and as I grab it up and hold onto it for that day, I think, “Maybe someone else needs this, too.” And the second reason why I write and sing and share, regardless of the amount of people who read or listen or see, is because I need the discipline and accountability to keep learning and to get what I’m learning down “on paper”. Writing can be a scary thing because once you’ve put those words together, you’ve admitted to what you’ve grasped, you’ve become responsible in a way for that information. And the work, the wrestling, that it takes to grapple with God over something and come to a conclusion -at least for now- is no small thing.

I need to do this work. I need to be reminded of truth all day long. The power of creativity, words, art, nature, beauty, music, expression, stories, and passing those things on,  is that truth can meet us again and again in brand new ways. It’s a gift and we shouldn’t be shy to share it. And we shouldn’t ignore the amazing resource of believers around us whose creative offerings can help us grow in our faith!

There are lots of speakers, writers, singers, artists, teachers with lots of listeners and followers…But no one big name out there holds the keys to the truth of God. We all hold those keys. I love reading certain blogs, I love listening to certain teachers, I love worshipping with certain singers, but I genuinely believe that there are millions of people just as connected to God, just as gifted, just as able to express truth in life-giving ways all over the world. Some are hidden by the Lord for a time as He matures them, some are martyrs (oh to read their journals! to hear them worship!), some are moms expressing His love in the privacy of their own homes as they teach math to yawning kids and joyfully make their 10,000th peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Some are prayer warriors, some are bloggers, some are worship leaders in churches that average 40 people a Sunday. It just doesn’t matter.

There will never be enough lovers of Jesus letting their walk with Him seep out just a little into this dark world.

I used to think, “Is it narcissistic to blog? To put pictures on Instagram? To share my videos of new songs on YouTube?”  I wondered if it was wrong for me to want people to know about my music. But finally I understood. It’s not about me. That inner compulsion to share my songs and my writing, what I’m learning, what God is speaking, wasn’t from me or about me. It was from God and it was about believers using whatever means they have been given to teach and encourage believers as they face their daily trials, and to introduce the world to a little of what it means to know Jesus, from this one perspective.

So, this isn’t where I thought this blog would be headed today…I’ll write another day this week about that…but I feel like it’s God’s reminder to me (and you) that every one of us has been given a voice, a gift, and truth as we live in communion with His Spirit– and that truth needs to be shared in your own way for the benefit of those around you. We are all strug-a-ling, friends! We all need a fresh infusion of the Word and the Spirit, the Bread and the Wine, so much more than we admit or realize. When we are lacking, there are others around us who have life to share with us. We shouldn’t be too ashamed or too stubborn to recognize our lack, and be led to the Well to be filled! When we are full and brimming over, there are those around us who are thirsty, so we shouldn’t think we’re too small or too unknowledgeable or too imperfect to pass on truth.

What has He spoken or given to you that has refreshed your spirit and walk with Him? Breathe it in.

Maybe there’s someone around you who needs that fresh wind. Breathe it out.

When Faith Runs Deep

Selah did a beautiful job making this static video for me of my and Joanna’s duet, When Faith Runs Deep! Enjoy and feel free to share!

Getting to the Heart of Things

There’s a question that comes to my mind in stressful times now. If I’m angry, worried, annoyed, the Holy Spirit has this question He asks. It began about six years ago when we were trying to buy a house “in town”. We lived (and still live) kind of in the woods, and we were at a busy and growing church in town so much of our time that we wanted to move in closer. It seemed easier, it seemed to make sense. But wave after wave kept it from happening.

As the difficulties arose, as we were losing money trying to make this happen, I was finding myself escalating to basket-case status!! And that’s when the Lord spoke gently to me with the question.

“Lyndsay, why do you care so much?”

The question made me even more frustrated, but I settled down to think about it. I was angry God didn’t seem to be letting us accomplish what I thought He told us to accomplish. Why did I care so much about moving? Why did I mind so deeply that it was falling apart? Why did I care so much?

Well, one reason was that I felt stupid for not knowing how to do this process better, pick the right people to help make it happen, be more mature in the business world. I didn’t like feeling “less than”. That showed me a root of pride in my heart. It was time to take a step back, admit I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t make it happen, and release it into the Lord’s hands (for real this time), meaning if He didn’t make it happen, we would walk away with peace whether we understood or not.  I also cared so much because I wanted to please the people at my church; I wanted them to see we were taking our beliefs seriously, and I probably wanted some applause for it, too. Again, pride. An all-about-me attitude religiously disguised as a good deed.

Also, in answer to that question, I told the Lord I cared so much because I thought I was doing what He said to do. This seemed reasonable! To move into town, to be closer to the people we were ministering to… I had grand hopes of opening my home so much more often, having weekly meals for teenagers, being able to babysit for people at the last minute. So I told Him this, and He answered me. His voice was like a hammer, and I’m not exaggerating. It was suddenly in my spirit, I knew it was Him. He said: “I never told you to do that.”

He never told me to do that.

We quickly got out of the deal, money lost, time lost, and happily have been at our house ever since.

What is the point of all this?

It’s not about the house, or moving, or difficulties, or helping the least of these in our community (although it’s important to say He does want us to do this, it just might not be in the way we think!)

It’s about the fact that now God can say, “Why do you care so much?” and I can begin dealing with the heart of the matter right away. He’s not saying I can’t care at all. Obviously, we have to care about potentially distressing things to a certain extent. But if our attention to these things brings us to a place of fear, worry, anger, ugly judgment of others, or the inability/unwillingness to treat others in a loving way something has gone wrong.

To know in your spirit that you’re not meant to stay in that place is huge. And the next step is to let Him ask the question, and let Him begin to navigate your understanding toward the truth. Everyone’s answer to the question, “Why do you care so much?”, is going to be different. But once we know the root, it’s amazing how quickly we can work through it with Him, especially if we have a willing spirit. We may be fully justified in feeling upset, this isn’t saying emotion is not okay. There are real problems, real needs in our lives! But God has given us a way to live in peace and joy instead of turmoil, and here is that way:

“Jesus replied, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matt. 22:37-38 

Your heart is your desires, what you really wish for!! Your soul is your identity, what makes you who you are. Your mind is your thoughts, what you dwell on.

When people or circumstances lead us to fear, anger, worry, etc., aren’t we exercising our heart, soul, and mind to an extreme? We’re putting our strong desires, our deep needs, and our constant thoughts toward whatever conclusion we are aiming toward. In the house scenario, my desires and needs and thoughts were very much wrapped up in wanting to both be, and appear to be, useful to the Lord. That was truly the heart of it.

Jesus says this is idolatry. He tells us to put those desires, needs, and thoughts toward Him and Him alone! Not His work, not what we think He wants from us, but Him alone. That doesn’t mean obedience won’t flow from our lives. In fact, the opposite is true. When we are no longer worshipping what we can do for God, but instead are single-mindedly worshipping Him, that’s when obedience and fruit can finally be seen.

Anything less than worshipping Him simply hurts us. He knows the angst we feel when we start putting our heart, soul, and mind toward anything else, so He says don’t do it! He says come away from all of that, come toward Him. As you do, the things of this lifetime will pale and fade, you just won’t care as much about that fender-bender or that argument or even your very life, as you seek Him and find Him and know Him. I’m not saying it’s easy, or that I am always there because I’m not, but I am saying it’s true.

Keeping an eye on the plumb line of loving Him with our heart, soul, and mind doesn’t mean perfection, it just means we notice there is always another realm, always another layer to the story He’s writing, and we always know where we can come back to when we realize our desires, thoughts, and needs have strayed from the One who deserves that kind of focus.



February Adoption Update

I wanted to take a few minutes and blog about what is going on in our adoption!

First of all, it’s been almost a year since our dossier was accepted by the Haitian government. We hope that in the next six months we’ll receive our referral, which means pictures and info about the children we will be adopting. We have been matched but until we get a referral, it’s not official or sure, and so it is illegal for them to tell us much at all. We love our adoption agency (All Blessings International, in Owensboro, KY) and Haiti coordinator, who travels regularly to Haiti. It means a lot to us that she herself was a big part of making this match, after getting to know these children personally. We are so excited about the day that she will call us and tell us we can come visit!

When we go visit, it will be all four Taylors making the trip, for 15 days. Then we’ll come home for about 6 months and wait…We can make small trips to visit the children, but ultimately we won’t be able to bring them home until they say we can. So, we are easily looking at another year of our adoption journey if not more.

While I wish it would happen today, I have such peace in God’s timing. These kids could be up to 6 years old and God knows what needs to happen in their hearts and lives while they wait. It will be a big transition for them, unlike the transition for a young infant. God knows the time they need. Our family is going through changes and challenges as well, and God knows what we need to learn to prepare for the new arrivals. God’s writing this story. I don’t even WANT to jump in and change it. He has these Haitian children in the palm of His hand, just as much as He has Selah and Yemi in the palm of His hand.

And in my prayer time today I had this thought: “If God can orchestrate the incredible generosity that has been poured out on us from members of His body, He definitely has His eye on those precious children and will orchestrate every step of this process for them.” He has been faithful in our finances, how much more so will He be faithful in these lives being rescued?

So that does bring me to money, and I have awesome news.

We started out this adoption of two siblings knowing we would need $50,000 approximately. To those who have given financially, I will be sending out (when our adoption is drawing to a close) information about how that money was spent/used AND where that money came from (certain fundraisers, our savings, our extra jobs we took on, giving-not who gave of course but the sum of all donations, plus grants, etc.) But just for this blog, I will tell you this amazing news:

We are now down to just needing $10,450!

It’s mind blowing. And I know for sure that people’s generosity, God’s generosity, grant foundations’ generosity, was not about or for Jack and Lyndsay Taylor. It wasn’t even for the two children who will someday be in our family! This generosity was poured out unto Jesus. Every penny, our’s or your’s or whoever’s, has been because our hearts are aligned with the heart of the Father, we’re joining Him in His love for justice and compassion. His heart for the fatherless has been deposited in us, and we are honored and thankful for the opportunity to bless Jesus as we bless the least of these. It’s a joy. And we don’t take it lightly that we get to be a part of that.

We do not take it lightly that SO MANY have chosen to be a part of this with us!

Thank you!

The Power of Pain

There are certain things that have to happen in life if we want to become more like Jesus.

And this time I’m not talking about disciplines.

I’m talking about heartache. Personal weaknesses that you can’t seem to get a grip on long enough to overcome. Suffering that you don’t understand and can’t find a way out of. A season of Job-like one-thing-after-the-other seemingly-random trials. A time where everything you believed about God suddenly feels unbelievable. Maybe it’s bankruptcy or debt. Maybe it’s an embarrassment or a hit to your reputation. Maybe it’s sickness after years of incredible health.

Whatever it is, whether it is one thing or a whole host of things, one season or an entire lifetime, God is at work in that pain, confusion, inability to understand, and weakness. Our spiritual DNA is shifting, and it needs to. Honestly, it doesn’t matter where the suffering comes from, what matters is that we look unto Jesus, stop fighting and fixing, and allow ourselves to go with His flow. Sometimes there is spiritual warfare to engage in, but so many times we think we are supposed to fight and fix when that is the very thing that keeps us hard and tough to work with. When we relax under the strain He is allowing us to be under, and breathe, and ask Him what He is doing, we find He is always doing something in our character and it is for our good, and eventually the good of others. If we will be spiritually awake and aware enough to ask and listen, we will get to see what He was after and truly rejoice in the work He did. That’s how some believers can astonishingly say, “I wouldn’t trade that heartache for the world; I am who I am today because of it.”

One thing in particular that I see Him doing as we become pliable, willing clay in His hands in the middle of our confusing difficulties is He humbles us. No longer are we so quick to think these things of people around us: “Well, they’re broke because they spend their money recklessly” or “If they’re sick that often, they must not be taking care of themselves” or “If they would do this or that, (insert like I do), they wouldn’t be in this mess”. When we’ve been humbled, we would no longer look at someone in their sin and say, “How could someone do that?” because we know it could have just as easily been us.

Where once there was harshness…a sense of black and white, definite, this plus this always equals that…now there is a gentle spirit. Where once there was pride and arrogance because we considered our lack of problems a direct result of our lack of mistakes…now there is meekness, knowing we never deserved that ease, knowing we were the recipients of great grace. Where once there was a know-it-all heart attitude, now exists a person who doesn’t even have an opinion about many things and many people, aware of how much they truly don’t know, aware of how different and unique every person’s story and circumstances really are.

This is beautiful.

I don’t think many of us have a clue about the depth of suffering people around the world are daily enduring. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially…there is pain all around us. The need for softened hearts, the need for people who have went through the fire and were changed by God’s hand in it, is beyond our comprehension. It’s who we are that dictates what we do…so our efforts to love will only be as powerful as our efforts to embrace humility and transformation personally. The expectation to have an uninterrupted easy life will not only leave us confused and angry…it will leave us unchanged, ineffective, unusable.

This is important.

Lord, please give us the presence and mindfulness to look at You and see what You’re doing in us when we go through suffering of all kinds. We welcome weakness and waves if it means we will grow in Christlikeness–kindness, generosity, compassion, availability, and love!


Breaking Through The Fog

Surely I’m not the only one to feel the fog. That uncomfortable state of feeling unconnected to anyone, even yourself, and definitely God. You can’t remember the truths you always fall back on for comfort, and you can say the words but they don’t mean anything at the moment.

Some days you wake and the fog is not there; mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually you’re alive and awake with light feet, no dragging. Aren’t those the greatest days?

There was a voice in my head, and then a literal voice of a friend, saying to me like a lighthouse in the middle of this fog:

“But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith!” Jude :20

Yes! Truth my brain could grasp! There is something I can do while I wait this out!

Like when you have a cold or some other sickness that weakens your senses and resolve and enthusiasm for life, you build up your immune system. You do purposeful things to get strong again, to treat your body to some kindness and goodness and wellness. You take extra vitamin C, get extra sleep, eat extra veggies and fruit, stay hydrated with echinacea  or super triple antioxidant berry tea–whatever it is, you find ways to physically put into your body whatever it needs. Why does it need the extra TLC right now? Who knows! The stresses of life is probably a sufficient enough answer! It doesn’t matter WHY your body is a mess and needs the time of strengthening, it just does, and we do what we need to do.

The same is true for our spiritual nutrition, our spiritual immune system. The stresses of life want to take us down for the count! The enemy wants to take us down for the count! But we have a defense; we can build ourselves up in our most holy faith. We can surround ourselves with truth and hear it, say it, read it, sing it, gulp it down like a giant bottle of Emergen-C.

He takes care of the rest.

Do we feel better immediately after a dose of physical nutrition? Not necessarily. But it is doing something internally that will benefit us at a later date. The same thing goes with the Word, worship, prayer, putting on our armor, soaking. In the unseen, battles are being fought, faith is being built. We are reminding the enemy and ourselves that there is action we can take against the moods and stress and stuff of this temporal life when we choose to build ourselves up in our most holy faith.

Whether we wake up to fog or a brilliantly blue sky, we’re not a slave to whatever we wake up to. The grey does not own us. We have everything we need for life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3); we can choose today to fortify ourselves for tomorrow. And of course our efforts are only a small part of how we are reached by His goodness; He promises that every day His mercies are new (Lam. 3:23)!

May we, by His grace, commit ourselves to reaching forward and grasping them!


Rahab’s Rope



Throughout the year, I want to remind every one of the wonderful ministries that Sister Bridge partners with. You can host a party anytime just by contacting Rahab’s Rope directly! Your Sunday School class or women’s retreat would be a perfect way to both spread the word about what God is doing in India and help Rahab’s Rope rescue women in need.

Currently, Rahab’s Rope is starting a partnership with a new after care home that hopes to house 20 women who have been rescued from the sex trade. These girls are mainly high school and college age, and need holistic healing! Our hearts ache, knowing what they have gone through…but are we doing anything to help them and to stop these atrocities?

Through ministries like Rahab’s Rope we have an open invitation to directly make a difference. Life is busy and expensive for all of us, it just is! But God is calling us to re-examine our priorities I think! As long as there are young girls (or anyone!) sold into slavery in this world, I want to make sure I’m living in a just way: having my needs met and then seeking how to meet others. We pray for wisdom and direction and ways to help, and we can know for sure that God will give it.

The Ordinary, The Miraculous

I tell the Lord I don’t know how to go deeper, and I’m willing to go but I don’t even know what it looks like, and He’ll have to take me there.

I tell Him I want to do some songwriting right now if that’s okay, and He is doing it with me, He’s teaching me while I write and sing.

I take a walk and I see the tips of the empty branches gravitating, stretching with all their might, to the sky above, and I see Him saying, “All the world reaches to Me, lift your eyes, lift your arms, I’ll let you touch heaven!”

I do believe in a set aside time for Bible reading, journaling, stillness, intercession…for myself, that’s what grounds me and aligns my heart to His. I do sit down and like I was taught as a youth, I often go through A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanks, Supplication) because it keeps me from rambling and getting lost in my own thoughts. I need these disciplines, and it’s a main way He speaks to me. It’s been wonderful to have more time for this, it actually sets my eyes on Him in a greater way so that in the daily stuff of life I can see Him clearer.

Because it’s the moment-by-moment fellowship that I’m enjoying the most. Just being.

The reason my family has made changes in our lives is to eliminate stress…Trying to be “more for God” is just a stress. I am learning to just be (again).

Here’s some truth: When we’re cleaning the house or finishing a to-do list, we don’t have to be interceding or memorizing scripture or even listening to worship music to go deeper with God. Maybe we will, or maybe we will bless Him by being thankful for each person we’re serving. Maybe we do those tasks with pride and joy because we’re grateful to have them and the strength to do them!

Doing homework with the kids, working, night time routines…they are life, not just things we have to do in life. If we don’t appreciate the every day, we don’t appreciate our life.

We can serve, live, work, listen, respond, give, and take in this lifetime and wait for free time, wait for excitement, wait for a chance to do something great…or we can realize every chance to do those things IS something great.

We are learning perseverance, gratitude, forgiveness, self-control. We are sacrificing for the good of others, we are enjoying company and being enjoyed, we are seeing how we can make another’s life easier and better. We are using spiritual gifts, we are becoming better versions of ourselves, or maybe we’re just learning to laugh and play again. What else might we be looking for in life? Recognition or fame or wealth or getting ahead? Forget it. If we are looking for God, we won’t find Him there. He is here. Right where we are.

The ordinary daily life is miraculous. If you have a friend, a home, a talent, a body, you have a miracle to work with! Our normalcy is a miracle. God gave it and is in every detail of it. We can honor and worship Him, and in the meanwhile bring lots of joy and peace to ourselves and others, by recognizing it and doing things, even seemingly meaningless things, with creativity and care and asking Him to reveal His glory and purpose in the beauty all around.

There’s no one way to commune with God. There’s no one way to bless His name and His heart, or learn, or go deeper. Every day is a chance for Him to show us more ways. We don’t know them, but He does, and He will reveal it to anyone who will ask! I’m asking. I’m learning. I’m living!

Are you content to be ordinary? Are you treasuring every day because it is spent with Him? Or are you treasuring only the days that you are conscious He is using you? There is great healing in ordinary duties. The ability to do them. The privilege of doing them! If you do your labor in the Lord, it has profit. If you do your labor as some interruption of grandiose lie, then your labor is without profit.

-Martha Kilpatrick