First Time Gardening Joy

 My garden is very little, and all the plants are so small…but I have really enjoyed watching it grow. I love watering it, seeing it soak in the sunshine every day, and feeding it once a week. It’s just neat to see beautiful things happening with just a little water, sun, and attention.

 Jack dried green pepper seeds a while back, and we planted them right into the ground. I was kind of amazed to see them come up at all, but there are about 30 little seedlings. I’m pretty sure that’s not the way you’re supposed to do it…but we shall see!

 A pretty little row of cucumber plants, with the ever so important blossoms.

 Just pretty.

 First Fruits of our “labor”! I am so excited! This is a gorgeous little guy!

You make beautiful things, You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things, You make beautiful things out of us.”