Hi! So glad you are here! I hope something on this site will serve and bless you in some way today.
Let me take a moment to introduce myself!
I’m Lyndsay, and I’m a singer-songwriter, mental health & life coach, and author of a connection training book for families. I have a wonderful husband, Jack, and 4 daughters, Selah, Yemi, Eva & Zoe and we live in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. I spend many hours each day in my new office at home, which I have deemed The Shalom Studio, where I teach music lessons, meet with clients, and run a small international gift shop. But above and beyond all these things, I am a child of God and filled daily with His love and purpose which drives all I get to do in this season!
I hope that the honesty in my personal blog reaches you wherever you are in your journey of finding the joy of submission and obedience to the Lord Jesus, and I pray that my songs, videos, and lyrics will display a bit of God’s heart directly to you!
My real prayer for this website is that Christ in me would ignite a fire in readers and listeners-a fire that will refine, a fire that will motivate, a fire that will shine to a world in darkness.